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June 6 ~ Wednesday ~The Call June 8, 2012

Posted by finding1sselfsthyroidjourney in Grace & Gratitude, Journey & Journaling, Thyroid.

My Wednesday is going along pretty good and counting down to 5 so that we can scoot on home. I have about a 45 min Drive one way from Rockport to Corpus, so I am always thrilled to head home to my honey. Well about 4:45 My co-workers husband calls and tells his wife his wife his test came back positive. We both were in shock and those were the longest 15 minutes of the day. As I am driving home I am saying my prayers for them and watching out for traffic. I normally don’t answer my phone when I am driving  unless I am out past Portland, but I saw that it was the Dr.s office, so I picked up. The receptionist said that the Dr. would like me to come in the following morning, I explained that I couldn’t because my co-worker would be at an appointment with her husband. She asked again what time can you come in tomorrow morning?.. when it was all said and done.. I had a 2:45 appointment for Thursday.  At this point wasn’t too sure what I was feeling…. maybe it was a good thing and she didn’t want me to worry needlessly, yep that was it and dismissed it.  When i shared that with a friend on the phone… immediate response was that doesn’t sound good… so we did the maybe it was a good thing or not, we were trying to reassure me it was a good thing. I get home waiting patiently for hubby to come home… asked me how my day was and share what the afternoon had brought. He said ” that doesn’t sound good”.  Ok by now I am getting a real sense that it probably going to be the best of news.


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