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June 8,9 & 10th~ The TGIF & Weekend June 10, 2012

Posted by finding1sselfsthyroidjourney in Grace & Gratitude, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Journaling, Thyroid, Uncategorized.
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I went to work and  sent my boss a detailed scheduled of what what be done on the 18th & 19th and what times the office would be non attended… Increadibly supportive in his reply back to me. From the 1st interview  almost 4 years ago… I prayed I would be blessed with this job… to work with good people and be in a family like atmoshere… knowing it would be the best Job I had ever had immediately.

Co -worker comes in and we visit and discuss how her husband is handleing his news as well.  We discussed a game plan for having everything.

About 12:45 am we get a call from hubbys sister that they have taken his mom to the hospitial. That her defibulater was shocking her because of severe dehydration.. I was prepared to go and pull the night shift..but it was covered.

Mike went into work and I slept in till 8:00 and I enjoyed that. Got up and made the browinies and cookies for our troop family that was coming in on Sunday.

There was suppose to be a big family reunion on the ranch Saterday evening. So there was alot of family in town to keep up with. I was elected to pull the night shift since it was my mother in law. This would allow for the rest of the family  members to get together and have a  subdude grilled dinner.

My mother n law and I get along good, so we made the best of it even after they gave her the lasix… we did the pee pee dance for a couple of hours and laughed though that as well…. the rest of the nigh consisted of cat naps and monitoring, blood work, x-rays etc… will be glad to get home this afternoon and take a nap.

June 7th ~ Thursday The 2:45 appointment June 10, 2012

Posted by finding1sselfsthyroidjourney in Grace & Gratitude, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Journaling, Journey & Journaling, Thyroid.
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I didn’t sleep worth a flip all night so I am really tired and a non- stop yawn most of the day. I didn’t think 2:20 would ever get here, so that I could head to the appoint ment. I arrive on time and sit till it is my turn to go in… and we do the blood pressure, sugar count, tempature then off to Room # 3 again.  The Dr. was busy following up on a conference call so the nurse came in and said she had instructions to schedule another test for me. I thinking well good that one didn’t show anything and she just wants to make sure she didn’t miss anything. WRONG!!!! thinking on my part for the next 10 minutes. Dr. Margaret comes in and does the are you ok look? I said yes. She rolls up her chair close by me, and said it is what we thought Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Damn there’s thpse words again. She explains that there are two nodules on the right side and inhonogeneity on the left side. What? What does that mean? That there are some irregularities on the left side? ok what does that mean? More tests basically. To determine what are the abnormalities and to rule out that it is not caused from there being something somewhere else in the body or has metastatized.

At this point I am listening but I am on information overload with the other techincal words being used, however I did hear was WE will get you through this. Music to my ears.

We discuss what other tests will be run to cover the basis… besides the Thyroid upscan test(a two day test where I get a cocktail of probably less than yummy stuff, go back at 4 to be scanned, then next day go back and be rescanned at 11 & 4 again…and in between there we will have a mamagram as well and have the lymth nodes looked at too, if possible.  If  time allows a needle asperation will be done also.

Then a possible PET scan and ct scan of the brain.  This will all take time to schedule and do and of course have to wait for the results which will be a week or more for results.

So the waiting through all of these results will be a test in it’s self for me to patient while being the patient. I will use each one of these waits to allow peace, grace and gratidude to work within me.  Allowing me to absorb the information in such a way that good decisions can be made and made not out of fear or from a lack of faith.

As I drove home I tried to replay the whole conversation in my mind trying to remember all the key words and discriptions.  I expected to cry or say “why me” but those events didn’t happen. I was calm inside, I sure was delighted that I have come this far on my spiritual Journey and having that inter peace of knowing all will work out. I shifted my focus on how to minimize this inconfienience for all of us.  I am confident that much will be learned from this portion of my path. Learning is always a good thing.

While I was waiting for hubby to come and share this with him I laid down and started some white light meditation focusing on my throat area.  Hubby and I went to go fill up our water bottles and I shared with him what she shared with me.

I actually slept better tonight than the night before… Thank you Universe for sending the sandman my way.