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June 19th ~ The Mammogram June 19, 2012

Posted by finding1sselfsthyroidjourney in Grace & Gratitude, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Journaling, Journey & Journaling, Mammogram, Thyroid, Uncategorized.
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While she asked her set of standard questions and review of why I was there now. I was shocked to find out it had been 7 years since I had my last mammogram back in 2005. Shame on me.

My tech was incredibly informative and sincere today and I learned a few things too. She didn’t fuss  at me she just let me know that they offer reduced cost mammograms for women that do not have insurance usually twice a year. Good information to know.

So as I shared why I was there she asked if I had any questions and of course I did… I told her of my delay in the uptake test and she confirmed it is a 6 week wait if you are on thyroid meds. I asked her if there was a way to do the PET scan without having to wait an additional 6 weeks after the uptake test… she said she would check on that while I was getting dressed.    The exam was quite routine 4 pics and I was done… so I am going to take that to be a good sign. Once I was dressed she came in and said she spoke to the radiologists that does the scans and if that is warranted after the uptake scan they can do it  days after it and not weeks. PET scans use a higher dose of radio-active material for that test.  I took a deep breath and told her thank you for her time and consideration to get my concerns answered.  She also assured me that once the thyroid is taken out  it is one of the easier diseases to treat. So this rings true with what I have read and heard from others… Sounds like a walk in the park so far. In my heart I still believe the abnormalities are just in my throat and have not traveled… Other than being tired, memory problems and weight gain, and some acid reflux… I feel ok. I don’t hurt anyway… so my continuing prayer will be that all of these extra tests will be for mental reassurance (this is a biggy for sure) and nothing more. My mom suffered from several different bouts of cancer throughout her life… so to have all the cards out on the table is a good thing so good decisions can be made.   I had lunch afterwards… and that didn’t sit well with me… so even though I am mentally good with it all so far… I think my tummy maybe a bit more sensitive about having tests run. So it will be sprite for me tonight.